I Go

I Go – All of our teams require people, volunteers to be the hands and feet of the ministry to make it happen, you can be a coordinator.


You Go – That is what Jesus said, “Go!” We need volunteers and we desire to find those that have a heart and the capacity to mobilize and lead a team. We train and accompany the coordinator from the beginning to the end. Making sure that things flow smoothly and that all parties involved have a positive experience from the local church to the leaders of the Indigenous communities.


We have a 6 week course we give in Portuguese and have seen great success in preparing and getting teams ready so that they can meet and greet our Indigenous friends that connect with them and build a long term relationship with them over the course of many years.


Get in touch with us if you have any Reservations near you or if you live in a Reservation and we can discuss an informal partnership to see you accomplish Curumim Action in your region!